Top Five Books of the Moment:
1. Cory Doctorow – Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
People living in Disney World – what’s not to like?
2. Tim Winton – Cloudstreet
good and gritty Australian writing
3. Keri Hulme – The Bone People
set in New Zealand – hey , I used to live there
4. Alistair MacLeod – No Great Mischief
been to most of these places – love the writing
5. Lori Lansens – Rush Home Road
keeping up with the geography thing – this is where I grew up
Top Five Books of All Time:1. David Mitchell – Cloud Atlas
the most meticulously-crafted structure I’ve ever seen

2. John Fowles – The Collector
flipping POVs, utterly creepy
3. Tennessee Williams – The Glass Menagerie
the first time I read this play, my reaction was "holy crap!"
4. Edward Albee – Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
time to go to the euphemism (read the play, it’ll make sense)
5. Vladimir Nabokov – Lolita
one of the all-time most unreliable narrators
(and because Rachel said Nabokov, too:)
6. Margaret Atwood – The Handmaid’s Tale
well written SF -- 'nough said